The Elusive Consultant Role - explained!
What do I do?
In an attempt to describe the elusive role that is 'consultant', I've formulated a flowchart**.

** Not QAQC'd (quality assurance, quality control; often used as a verb). Everyone does design a little differently. I looked up an architect's "schematic" design for the apartment complex on my block and... it was so sophisticated that it included a 3D model and full virtual tour. If that's their 30% completion document I really want to see how polished the 100% looks!
Working: I had the opportunity to look through a project we did for the Thames Estuary to manage tidal flooding risks until the year 2100. My face when I get paid to look through these cool reports = O.OIf you want to go down a really fun wikipedia rabbit hole, google 'Thames Barrier'.
Reading: The Barefoot Investor. Very funny and very useful. Written by and for Australians so I'm liberally skipping chapters about superfunds (apparently these are investing vehicles and not contaminated sites with federal money to clean up?)
Listening: Current playlist has Tessa Violet, Pomplamoose, Elohim, Ruel, Ben Rector, The Head and the Heart, Seafret, half alive, Will Joseph Cook, The Regrettes, and Matthew Mole. Random? Yes.